-Creative Director
Newell Brands owns everything from Elmer’s Glue, to Yankee Candles, to Mr. Coffee. They invited me out to New York to figure out how Amazon could develop a holiday site that sold its most popular brands in a way that didn’t look like a bunch of products threw a random drunken hot tub party. First, I devised a plan to arrange its content based on two types of shoppers; those looking for a gift and those looking to throw a party. From there, I developed a more relaxed shopping site that welcomed customers before pushing them to the aisle, similar to that of a Macy’s holiday window. Based on a “modern gingerbread” theme, we developed a series of cinemagraphs to give a bit a magic.
Our strategy worked. Dwell time per customer was through the roof, higher than two of its previous campaigns combined. That, and we sold out of three of the featured products in less than four days, a first for Newell on Amazon.